Once upon a time there was a house. It wasn't in awful shape, but it wasn't brand new. A man moved into this house and declared he was going to fix it. And then one day a neighbor blew up a part of it. It was pretty awful. But then the owner decided to go after a completely different neighbor. And then he ignored the house so he can go after the neighbor while not going after him at all. He did not maintain the paint, the pipes, etc. For eight years he did this, finally moving out.
And then a new guy moved in to the now dilapidated house, fully knowing the task ahead of him. He agreed to pay for the repairs--all of them. He had to try and be friends with the neighbors who didn't do anything but had come under fire from the previous owner. And after two years, though there was progress, it just didn't seem like it was enough--the house still looked in desperate need of fixing up.
Yesterday, the GOP took hold of the House in Congress. And the Democrats just barely kept control of the Senate. Across the country, people like Rick Perry and Rand Paul won over voters by simply playing up the fact that Obama hasn't done anything for this country and America still looks like it's in desperate need of some fixing up.
It's been two years since Obama took office. In those two years, he has stopped a recession (something that preceded his taking office by EIGHTEEN MONTHS--i.e. during Bush's reign). He has passed a health care bill despite the GOP's attempts to block it and now young adults can be covered by their parents' insurance until they're 26, there's a 100% coverage of preventive care, there's no more lifetime caps on reimbursements, and insurance companies must cover pre-existing conditions.
It's simple.
1. We don't hear about any of Obama's accomplishments in the media. The people who oppose him and all his actions keep the negative issues in the news--along with some ridiculous misconceptions (please, guys, look up the word "socialism" and don't use ANYTHING taxes pay for if you don't want taxes). And his supporters end up spending all their time defending those arguments and not highlighting everything he is doing right. Whether he's Muslim or not (and the fact that his father is Kenyan) only matters if you're ignorant. Period.
2. And secondly, it's always easier to say you can do it better or that your way is going to work.
It's like when you're watching Jeopardy and get every answer right but the person on TV can't seem to get any--and you feel smart sitting at home and consider trying out for the show. Or when you're watching someone do something and get it wrong over and over and in the back of your head you're frustrated and thinking, "Just let me try. I can do it better."
The GOP and their subspecies the Tea Party think they can do it better. They can make the employment rate soar (something that Obama has helped steadily rise since 2008), they can be more productive, and they can do all this with little to no government intrusion.
And I, along with many Democrats saddened by yesterday's losses are saying simply, "Go. For. It."
Let's see what you can do differently in two years. And if you are successful in keeping that fear and hate for the Obama administration alive and you push him out of office, let's see what your people can accomplish in the next six years.
I'm not arguing that Obama is the best president this nation's ever seen. Or that I am completely satisfied with him. He hasn't kept his campaign promise on gay rights or done anything major in environmental law. But I can't ignore what he HAS done.
Being President of the Unites States by itself is a pretty hard job. But when you come into it after eight years of Bush's crazy reign with an economy in recession, a war, and a very disenchanted group of citizens, the job is a hundred times worse. Add a Congress that blocks every bill you want to pass, very blatant racism, and your religion always being up for debate and the job seems impossible.
As Mike Halpernin in Time Magazine said a few months ago, "Unlike Bill Clinton, especially early in his presidency, Obama has largely maintained control of his public image, preserved the majesty of the office (a job that has become harder than ever because of the toxic freak-show nature of our politico-media culture) and maintained good relations, in public and private, with the armed services brass, the intelligence community and law enforcement."
So go for it, GOP.
We dare you.
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